Getting started getting started button img Copied

Getting started with Time Champ

timechamp started text Copied

Getting started with Time Champ started with timechamp text Copied

Begin with a simple free trial with us. Sign-up and track employees in less than 10 seconds. Only email and phone number are required with no time dragging one time password (OTP) authentication to Signup. Set up Time Champ after Signing in.

track you employee text

Now track your employee by selecting any of the three options, for better purposes click on Install on your device choice. Next use Time Champ wisely with interactive and silent modes supporting Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Engage your employees with interactive mode access for them to know their performance and enlarge their individual growth. Use Silent mode to track employees who are not allowed to know their productivity only admins can know. Silent mode is beneficial for identifying moonlighting Make your company even more secure. Finally, you can set up your teams manually or import teams excel. Even Manage your configurations for team and employees.

How do I subscribe for a free trial ? free trial subscribe img Copied

How do I subscribe for a free trial ? subscribe img site Copied

Time Champ offers you a 7-day free trial for hands-on experience with the software.

Visit the Time Champ site

trial img upgrade
  1. Select the Try For Free option
  2. Now you are redirected to the Signup page.
  3. Complete the sign up to start your free trial.

Enjoy your free trial.

How do I subscribe Time Champ plan once free trial expires ? free trial expires img Copied

How do I subscribe Time Champ plan once free trial expires ? subscribe plan img Copied

After the 7-day free trial period, you must upgrade your plan to continue receiving services. Apart from the free trial, there are three plans based on the features your organization needs: Basic, Standard, and Premium.

Navigation: Profile=> Pricing & Features

upgrade plan text

Steps to Upgrade your plan.

  1. Select Pricing & Features from the drop-down.
    pricing feature display
  2. Pricing & Features window displays.
    monthly yearly plan img
  3. Examine the price and features you need for your company.
  4. Choose a Monthly / Yearly plan.
    free trial img
  5. Choose the Plan and click Subscribe to continue.
    subscription continue img
  6. Subscription details popup displays...
    check subscription img
  7. Check the subscription plan, no. of licenses, and renewal.
    upcoming invoice message img
  8. Check the Upcoming invoice.
    update details img
  9. Update the company details and click next.
    india rupee img
  10. Pay in INR/$ Congratulations.

you have upgraded your subscription.

How do I sign up for Time Champ through email ? via email text Copied

How do I sign up for Time Champ through email ? throung email img Copied

Visit the Time Champ site

visit site img

Click the sign-up button.

Sign up page pops in....

To proceed further...

  1. Add email and sign up to continue next.
  2. Agree Time Champ Terms and Conditions check the box and confirm with the Privacy Policy.
  3. Select Next to continue.
    next continue img

Let's get started...

  1. Add the user's name.
  2. Include mobile number.
  3. To complete your Sign up, click the signup button.
  4. Select Back to return to the previous page.
    retur back page

How do I sign up through a Google account ? account signup Copied

How do I sign up through a Google account ? signup google account Copied

Visit the Time Champ site

timechamp img main site

Click the sign-up button.

Sign up page pops in....

To proceed further...

  1. Click on Sign up with Google.
  2. Alternatively you can sign up with a Google account.
  3. Agree Time Champ Terms and Conditions check box and confirm with the Privacy Policy.
  4. Select Next to continue.
    next button img

Let's get started...

  1. Add the user's name.
  2. Include mobile number.
  3. To complete your Sign up, click the signup button.
  4. Select Back to return to the previous page.
    previous button

How do I log in to Time Champ ? tiemchamp log user Copied

How do I log in to Time Champ ? how do i log Copied

Log in with your user credentials.

  1. Enter your email address and password.
  2. Click Sign in Button to continue.
login timechamp

You have now logged into Time Champ.

How to setup organization details ? copied icon tooltip Copied

How to setup organization details ? setup organization details popup Copied

Following the logging into the time champ. Add organization information to Time Champ.

To Setup the organization details:

  1. Click on setup your account on dashboard.
    account dashboard img
  2. You will view the drop-down.
  3. Select the setup organization details.
    set up drop down img
  4. After selecting the setup organization details a popup will be displayed.
  5. Enter your full name.
  6. Enter the name of your organization./li>
  7. Enter the number of team members will use the time champ.
  8. Enter your Mobile Number.
  9. Click on Done, to save the details.
    save details img text

You have now completed the organization details setup.

How to setup a team ? set up a team content img Copied

How to setup a team ? how to set copied img Copied

Time Champ assists you in creating a team hierarchy. For better productivity management, you can form different teams with different managers.

If the user has Super Admin Permission, then he can be able to configure to setup a team.

This permission can be configured by following the steps: -

  1. Navigate to settings => Role Permissions => Select Manage Teams,
    then select the roles you want to grant permissions to configure and check them.
  2. Click Save to Manage Teams usage for the defined roles.
    manage temas save img

There are two ways to set up a team.

  1. While registering.
  2. The Teams tab on the dashboard.
  1. While registering...
  2. Following the creation of your account
    Select Setup your team

    setup page popup

    The team setup page pops in…

    Step 1: Tell us about your team

    Enter your full name and the name of your organization. How many team members will use Time Champ, and what is their phone number.

    different teams member

    Step 2: You can divide employees into different teams

    1. Choose different teams from a list or create a new team from scratch.
    2. Click continue.
    assign member img

    Step 3: Create a team and assign members to it.

    1. Enter the team member's full name, email/username, and choose team.
      new team invite
    2. Then click the Add New Team Member button.
      invite mail img
    3. Select Send invite email to team members check box.
      excel popup
    4. Click the Excel button to import the data in Excel format.
      multiple team popup
    5. Add multiple team members page pops in...
      1. You can import multiple team members at once.
      2. Click choose to import file to upload Teams list to add.
      3. Click cancel to return previous page.
      email verify code
    6. Verify your email id with one time password.
    7. without verify code
    8. If you want to continue without verification, then click skip button.
    9. complete team popup
    10. Click continue to complete your team setup

  3. The Teams tab on the dashboard.
    1. Log in to your Time Champ dashboard with your account.
      dashboard login img
    2. Open Teams tab, the Teams list, and the information window displays.
      button image display
    3. Click the Add Team button.
      icon image
    4. Add team pop-up displays
      team added disaply img
      1. Enter Team name.
      2. To add a team, click the Add button.
      3. If you want to return, click close..
      popup added img team

      [Team is added]

    5. Click the edit icon of the team you want to add team members in the Actions column.
    6. team added img popup
      1. Add team member's pop-up displays.
      2. Select the Users you want to add.
      3. Click Add button

      [Team members are added]

      teams member added

How to install Time Champ interactive agent for logged in users only ? interact loggeed in user img Copied

How to install Time Champ interactive agent for logged in users only ? interact install img Copied

If you want the employee to have the ability to take a break or pause the tracker. Time Champ offers an interactive agent mode to track employee systems.

Following the creation of your account

Install on device => Setup teams => Share the installation file.

install on your device

Install on your device

  1. Click on


    button to continue.
    download button img

    Popup displays…

    popup img

    Step 1: Choose the operating system of your company below.
    Step 2: Exclude Time Champ from antivirus false positives.
    Step 3: Install the setup file. Double click on the setup file to install the Time Champ agent, Setup will be installed in the background. If you face any problem while installing, please refer to this article.

    download agent popup img
  2. Selected download agent [Windows]

    Select install for me, downloaded file works only for user.
    Select install for employees, the downloaded file works for every member of the team.

    select install text
  3. Windows > For me

    Choose agent type Interactive

    agent type slect image
  4. Windows > For me > interactive

    Check Important note from Time Champ

    note tiemchamp image
    1. Your Tracker installed successfully...

How to install Time Champ silent agent for logged in users? logged in used timechamp Copied

How to install Time Champ silent agent for logged in users? silent istall image Copied

If you want the employee to have ability to take break or pause the tracker. Time Champ offers interactive agent mode to track employee system.

Following the creation of your account

Install on device => Setup teams => Share the installation file.

install device image

Install on your device

  1. Click on


    button to continue.
    popup dispaly icon

    Popup displays…

    operating sytem image

    Step 1: Choose the operating system of your company below.
    Step 2: Exclude Time Champ from antivirus false positives.
    Step 3: Install the setup file. Double click on the setup file to install the Time Champ agent, Setup will be installed in the background. If you face any problem while installing, please refer to this article.

    windows download agent
  2. Selected download agent [Windows]

    Select install for me, downloaded file works only for user.
    Select install for employees, the downloaded file works for every member of the team.

    select agent image
  3. Windows > For me

    Choose agent type Silent

    choose agent image
  4. Windows > For me > silent

    Check Important note from Time Champ Check the box to continue, I understand all the above...

    widnows image download
  5. Windows > For other employee > interactive

    Choose Manual, for an existing user to login with existing credentials.
    Choose Automatic, for creating user using their system name and login automatically

    automatic creating image
  6. Windows > For other employee > interactive > Manual

    Check Important note from Time Champ
    Check the box to continue, I understand all the above...

  7. Click

    Download button.

    download button
    1. Your Tracker installed successfully...

How to share the Time Champ installation file ? timechamp icon text Copied

How to share the Time Champ installation file ? tiemchamp install image Copied

Invite your friends by Referring Time Champ.

While registering...
Following the creation of your account

Let's get started...

Install on device => Setup teams => Share the installation file

installation image

Share the installation file

  1. Click on the Share button
  2. Select agent mode popup displays
    agent type
  3. Select agent type interactive/silent.
  4. Select an operating system to copy the link.
  5. operating system

      On Dashboard...

      1. Click on Setup your account 100%.
      2. Select Refer Time Champ to your friends.
        1. refer popup display

          Refer to Time Champ popup displays...

          1. Enter your friends of email address
          2. Click Send Invite.
          3. Or

          4. Share your link by copying
          5. Share via WhatsApp, Linked In, Twitter, Facebook.
          insta twitter shar image

How to upload a list of users in Time Champ ? upload users Copied

How to upload a list of users in Time Champ ? upload image Copied

Invite your friends by Referring Time Champ.

While registering...

Following the creation of your account

Let's get started...

Install on device => Setup teams => Share the installation file

set up popup

The Team Setup page will pop up

Step 1: Tell us about your team

  1. Enter your full name and the name of your organization. How many team members will use Time Champ, and what is their phone number.
    divide multiple employee

    Step 2: You can divide employees into different teams

  1. Choose different teams from a list or create a new team from scratch.
  2. Click Continue
team and member

Step 3: Create a team and assign members to it.

  1. Enter the team member's full name, email/username, and choose a team.
    add new member popup
  2. Then click the Add New Team Member button.
    set up teams
  3. Select Send invite email to team members check box.
    excel button image
  4. Click the Excel button to import the data in Excel format.
    add multiple team image
  5. Add multiple team members page pops in...
    1. You can import multiple team members at once.
    2. Click choose to import file to upload Teams list to add.
    3. Click cancel to return the previous page.
    set up teams

Click continue to complete your team setup.

Add user copied image Copied

Add user add user icon Copied

You can add as many users to your organization as the licenses available in your plan.

Navigation:Go to Users => Users Tab

If the user has Super Admin Permission, then he can be able to add users.
This permission can be configured by following the steps: -

  1. Navigate to settings => Role Permissions => Select Add Users to Organization, then select the roles you want to grant permissions to configure and check them.
  2. Click Save to Add Users to Organization, for the defined roles.
    add multiple users

Add Users

  1. Click on Add User in the Users Tab.
    add user img
  2. Select the add user option.
  3. Add User Pop-up displays...
    add user popup
  4. Click on Add User in the Users Tab.
    enter details
  5. Enter User details First name, Last name, ID, Email/Username.
  6. Assign a role to a user.
  7. Assign Line Manager.
  8. Select department and branch from drop-down.
  9. Configure Advanced options, and attendance based on tracking.
  10. Click on Next
    password image
  11. Add Password (Note: Password must contain at least 1 capital letter, 1 small letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.)
  12. Re-enter the password(Note: Password and confirmation password should be same)
  13. Assign Line Manager.
  14. Check or uncheck Force user to change their password after logging in...
  15. Click on Add user

Now you have successfully added the user to the organization.